Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Final Fantasy VIII character

Squall Leonhearts

Zell Dincth

Rinoa Heartilly

Irvine Kinneas

Quistis Treepe


Selphie Tilmitt

Seifer Almasy



Final Fantasy VIII is an RPG game, this game has several character, including:
Squall Leonhearts, Squall is the main character of this game, he met his teacher and other friends, namely Quistis Treepe, Zell Dincth, Selphie Tilmitt, Rinoa Heartilly, and Irvine Kinneas.
Squall and his friends had a dream in which he become a mysterious man named Laguna, Ward, Kiros.
In addition to Squall, there also has Gunblade, he was Seifer ...
Then , when Squall met with Seifer, Seifer turned out to have been involved with Ultimecia ...

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